Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I like the smell of markers, gas from the gas station, and rubbing alchol, what are some weird smells u like? Mattter of fact what are some weird things u like to do?

Talk to meeeee


  1. Yup! I like to holla at every female in a playful way. I guess that's weird. It ends up confusing the girl that I want to take me serious in my pursuit.

    As far as weird smell.. I like the smell of fresh cut grass for some reason.

  2. I don't think its weird to like the smell of self produced methane gas. That's right I like the smell of MY OWN farts and I don't care who knows! LOL Some ppl may think of it as weird. *shrugs*

    As for weird things..maybe telling ppl I like the smell of my own farts?

  3. I like the smell of new shoes fresh out the box and new handbags! Don't judge!

    @Shakesha Wow girl lol!

    Weird things I do crush on guys from a distant and never say a word to them for years!!

  4. LMAO!!!! I use to like the smell of gas from the gas station but one day I guess I was inhaling to much of the fumes and it gave me headache..hahaha I LOVE!!!!! popping pimples extreme side eye ~~> Q_Q <~~ idk why but it's like all my stress was released with each POP! lolz so don't come around me with pimples because I will bug you to pop em..
