Thursday, April 15, 2010


Does anyone question their path, do you feel like your doing the right thing and what do you regret most?

Me, I question my path all the time! I do so much for people, and they never do for me, and I sometimes wonder should I keep going? I have regrets, like not going to school etc for some reason I feel like I disappointed my mom and then I feel like I need this so I can help my dad. But that’s me; I want to no yall stories Talk 2 meeee.


  1. I used to regret but an event happened in my life that served as a warning to me. It let me know to let what I feel be known and have it clear to those around me. I was gonna pick a life/career path and stick with that. The only tough part is the annoyance of people not having your back, or asking dumb questions like "when you going back to school" every few weeks because they themselves want to finish and put that pressure on you. Funny when your peers annoy you and your parents give you the blessing. Also I totally relate to you on the reciprocal help. I try to do what's within my power to help those around me w/o messing up my own situation. It's weird to be at a point to be when friends put that pressure on you to help them in a way that harms yourself.

  2. Wow AL!! Thats is how I feel!!! Everybody always in you face like when u goin back to school?!! And no one wants to support u, and all this otha ish!! Wow everything I go through!!

  3. I think we all have questioned the paths that we choose at different points in our lives. I find that it's great to care and do for others but always keep yourself in mind. If you aren't truly happy with u then all the work that u do for others is kinda in vain. You were put here for a purpose and in time that purpose will become clearer to you...never regret because you can always go back to school if that is what u choose...but it has to be for YOU nobody else. You will be blessed for the good that you do for the people you love just don't let it get the best of you or block your blessing.

  4. I like that @Peaches !! I try so hard to do for me, but I cant help but wanna do for others! Its hard not to! I think that is the biggest problem I have, I dont like to see people fail,sad. I want everyone to be happy.

  5. I regret moving back home and not staying where I was and pursuing my goals. I feel things would've turned out differently had I gone with my gut. Always go with your gut...I've been paying for it since.

  6. Not only did u answer but u gave great advice I appreciate it! Thanx!
