Wednesday, May 26, 2010


RT: @BluebuttaflyLTL @STONEYOCEAN YOUR next blog should tawk about judgemental ppl. why judge b4 you knw the person. quick to judge but u not so perfect urself.



  1. I've had my share of judging people,books,music,movies ect..It's human nature to judge and be judged again it's not right but that's life..I think it's because we were raised to act and think a certain way and if it's outta tha "norm" we frown on it..

  2. Well the Bible says judge not for ye too shall be judged, so I dont try to judge I leave that to the almighty when he comes. But as humans we do it, whether it is about race, creed or orientation. I try to keep an open mind and be the voice of reason but sometimes I find myself judging someone if they are not quote and quote what I would define as normal. So I would say to judge is to be human but before we judge we need to look at our own self first before we point out the faults in someone else!

  3. @Islandgirl Thats so true. At the end of the day Only GOD can judge me, i live by that day to day.

  4. awe thanx for the shoutout Stoney!! for the bronx lolz.. it bothers me wen someone judges you wen they dont have a clue about you. they're quick to say something wen they dont even know your last name. why judge b4 you know a person, you can believe what you want but the question is do you know. i say it like this.. b4 you judge me, look at yourself first and worry about you b4 me. becuz your not perfect either...

  5. @Bluebuttafly Thats true nobody is perfect.

  6. no matter how much we want to stop all the judging that goes on, sadly we cannot. As for me, I'm going to make a conscious effort not to be so quick to pass judgement on someone else with or without knowing all the facts. Never know whats going on behind someone's closed door. mine included.
